Relationship Therapy, Raleigh NC

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Relationship Myth # 3: Relationship should feel easy and natural!

How Marriage Counseling Raleigh NC And Couples Therapy Raleigh Can Strengthen Your Relationships (With Yourself AND Your Loved Ones)

As a marriage counselor in Raleigh, North Carolina, I work with couples and individuals to help them feel more connected, secure, and loved.

Marriage counseling Raleigh NC provides a secure environment for couples who don't know how to express love anymore without fighting to work on exploring their emotions and rekindling their connection.

Couples therapy Raleigh can help you get to a place in your relationship where you love and feel loved again.

See other posts about:

Relationship Myth # 1: Fighting a lot means we are in trouble

Relationship Myth # 2: We fell out of love and probably (?) need a divorce

Relationship Myth # 4: Couples therapy provides amazing results in a short period of time

Last week my husband and I discovered a new healthy AND delicious restaurant right by where we live in North Raleigh called “Clean Eatz.” Going inside the restaurant is like going into Tony Robbins’ home (or at least what I think his house looks like) because it’s full of inspirational quotes about healthy eating and overall healthy lifestyle.

“Eating 100 calories of garbage is still eating garbage”

“Discipline is choosing between what you want now and what you want most”

“70% diet, 30% gym-abs are made in the kitchen, not in the gym”

Even if they sold cheeseburgers, I don’t think people would ever feel comfortable enough to eat them inside among all this “healthiness.” Anyway, I was happy to discover a heathy version of take out food close to my house because there are simply not too many of those ones here in Raleigh. It’s all about the grits, and fried foods, and lots and lots of carbs everywhere. But the food at this place is moderately priced and easy to pick up for diner when we are feeling lazy cooking one.

This “easy and convenient” option got me thinking…. people want the same type of the deal when it comes to romantic relationships and marriages. Couples want that same “easy” option to choose from so that their marriage can be “easy”, “healthy” and “awesome.” Just like me and most people, they don’t want to spend an hour and a half cooking a meal after a long day at work or having to schedule a 30 min quality conversation with their spouse every day so that they feel emotionally attuned or reconnected. They want an easy way out, which does NOT exist in the marriage or relationships.

You can’t opt out from communicating to your significant other without having your relationship go to shit. It’s impossible.

And if you are looking for the equivalent of the “healthy Eatz” restaurant when it comes to relationships, it is your marriage counselor’s office. Here, you can gain an understanding on your and your partner’s needs, and learn how to fulfill them. It will cost you more than $8.99 per meal though. But you already know that.

So, why is relationship hard, and not easy?

It’s simple- anything worth having requires time, energy, and hard work. Otherwise, you don’t appreciate it. Just think about it. How much energy and time did you spend on getting the degree that you wanted? How much energy and time did you spend building your career? How about raising your kids? How about getting in shape you feel happy about?

Let me guess-lots and lots and lots of time! Right? So, why do you expect your relationship to be different? It’s not easy to build a healthy fulfilling passionate relationship. And it’s not natural for you to know how to do it without help.

If you need more help than this blog can give you or want to schedule your free 15-minute phone consultation with me, click here. I offer the best marriage counseling I can! You can also check out the FAQs to learn more.

This is not your typical weekly kind of therapy. I am here to help couples and individuals in relationships do what is proven to work to help them heal their relationships. Through marriage counseling Raleigh NC, marriage retreat in North Carolina, online therapy North Carolina, and individual counseling, there is something for every couple who wants to heal their relationship.

Stop wasting years of your precious life trying to feel happy. Schedule your free 15-minute consultation with me today by clicking here. During the call, you will discover how having a place to heal your relationship with a guide can take you from the hurt to a healthier relationship than the one you grew up with.

Hi, I'm Irina Baechle LCSW, in Raleigh, NC. I believe in the power of healthy relationships and write on that topic. Whether you and a partner are co-creating a healthy marriage, or you are single navigating how to have healthy relationships, my content is for you.

Let's make healthy, trustworthy marriages the norm instead of the exception! Topics I write about include marriage, infidelity, roommate marriages, healthy second marriages, healing after toxic or unfaithful marriages.