Not Sure Your Want To Stay Together?
Marriage Counseling Raleigh NC to help you determine the next steps in your marriage.
Marriage Counseling Raleigh, NC
You aren’t sure exactly what you need, or what to search for. You don’t need a marriage retreat in North Carolina- whatever that is. You aren’t looking for traditional marriage counseling Raleigh NC that is focused on resolving a conflict.
Sometimes you think what you really need is a personal trainer or coach for relationships who can help you determine what is really possible, and train you to uncover the best version of your relationship.
You have been together with your partner for a while, you love each other, and get along well. There are no big fights or huge red flags. You have fun doing things together and have a lot of common interests.
But there is a secret part of you deep inside that is hesitant about whether you are a good fit. You are great friends, but is this the soulmate, love of your life that you can count on and trust long-term?
You sometimes ask yourself: “Is this it?”“Am I REALLY sure I want to spend the rest of my life with this person?” Your partner seems like a really good person, but you never know, right? What if they “fall out of love?” What if they are unfaithful? What if they do the Jekyll & Hyde thing and you find out their inner asshole has been lying in wait?
Or, maybe you simply wonder whether you can keep the passion alive and if you will end up living like roommates.
Is there even such a thing as “THE” relationship? You know there are no guarantees in life, but this decision to take the relationship to the next level just seems to be really big and scary!
You have seen so many relationships that seemed SO good, go SO bad.
There is a part of you that wishes you could just trust your intuition on this, but you feel scared because the same intuition had led you to several failed relationships before. You want to do it right this time, and you certainly don’t want to get hurt again. You also can’t imagine heading back into the crazy world of dating, hookups, and swipe culture again!
The fears of making a big mistake and the overall sense of ambivalence about the future of your relationship have started to eat away at your ability to enjoy your partner, and you know you can’t continue to ignore it.I can help.
I specialize in working with couples who are doing “ok” but that want to have a truly exemplary and amazing relationship. Couples I work with want to create a rock-solid relationship that they can’t imagine ending, that allows them to grow as individuals, and that bonds them as a couple.
I can help you and your partner move from the place of doubt and uncertainty into a place of confidence about the future of your relationship. I can teach you how to feel connected and secure about each other, in a way they might not have experienced in a relationship before.
Amazing relationships don’t just magically happen. And, staying in a relationship that you aren’t sure about and waiting for that magical moment isn’t going to get you enjoying the hell out of your everyday life with your partner with all the juicy connection and passion that you both crave long-term.
If you are wanting to feel confident in the future of your relationship and want to take the time that you both need to solidify your love, and be sure of your commitment, schedule your FREE 15 min phone consultation with me here.
My specialties include marriage counseling Raleigh NC, marriage counseling intensives, online therapy North Carolina, and individual counseling.
Investment: $345 (50 min)