Come From Unhealthy Family?
Individual and marriage counseling Raleigh NC to help you feel secure, whole, and unstuck again-with yourself and your relationships.
Marriage Counseling Raleigh NC
The “stuff” you keep carrying from your family is getting in the way of your own marriage!
You wish you didn’t feel attacked or defensive every time your partner makes a comment that you don’t agree with. You wish their words did not make you feel scared out of your mind because you are certain (at least in the moment) that they would leave you if there is something they don’t like about you. You wish you can just trust them when they say: ”I am here, I love you, and I am not going anywhere!”
Instead, your brain panics when there is an argument and you become overwhelmed by the fear of losing them. Just like losing your parent who was not there for you when you needed them most. Or maybe they were physically there, but emotionally absent.
Or yet, they were extremely critical of everything you do. There was nothing you could do just right. You were never good enough in their eyes, even though on the surface your family and parents looked perfect. You learned from a very early age to keep your emotions to yourself, and “keep it together” in general.
And now you won’t take a chance to get hurt and rejected again.
Your partner can actually help you feel less anxious and more emotionally grounded. I will show you exactly how!
Marriage Counseling Raleigh NC with Irina
My name is Irina and I provide Marriage Counseling Raleigh NC to transform your marriage. I help couples make sense of their inner emotional experiences (past and present), so that they can understand what’s really going on for them and share this amazing and at the same time vulnerable truth with their beloved partners. I help partners and couples feel secure, whole, and unstuck-about themselves and their relationships.
If you want to build a strong, passionate, connected relationship with your partner where you know that you matter to each other despite your differences, schedule your FREE 15 min phone consultation with me here.
My specialties include:
Marriage Counseling Raleigh NC
Marriage Counseling Intensives
Online therapy North Carolina
Individual Counseling
Investment: $345 (50 min)