Feeling stuck in a roommate marriage?
Expert marriage counseling Raleigh NC to help you move from the “logistics” of your marriage to rediscovering yourselves and your passion for each other.
Marriage Counseling Raleigh NC
Your relationship feels more like "roommates" than "lovers", but you want so much more!
You have been feeling disconnected from your partner for a while now, and you just can't imagine being stuck feeling this way for the rest of your life. You also can't imagine a life without your partner- and you know deep down the two of you have something special.
Superficially, you have a great life together: beautiful house, kids, things you both enjoy doing. You are also really great at getting projects done and keeping your life running.
But is that really all there is?
You remember a time when your life and relationship felt so much simpler. There was just so much time and energy to be in that lovely, connected place.
Do you remember... locking eyes with your partner... feeling that lovely warm feeling deep in your stomach... Feeling that flood of lovely feelings just embracing one another... It feels like life is going so fast right now, the only thing you have time for is keeping all the plates spinning and the calendars managed.
When you have time to connect it is good, but it never feels like enough time and enough space to get back to that deeply connected place.
You don't want to wait for the kids to be raised and retirement to enjoy your partner and your relationship.
You want to soak up every moment now, even in the midst of the busyness of life!
You deserve (and are capable of) a passionate and meaningful marriage in the midst of a busy life!
You want more than just a roommate or even a friend. You want to feel special to your partner, to feel like you are one another's priority beyond friendship and companionship. You want to be able to feel like you know their "soul", and they know yours just like in the beginning. You just aren't sure how to get from where you are now, to where you want to be. You have been keeping this feeling of “disconnect” a secret. You feel scared to share it with your partner, afraid they will take it the wrong way... not understand what you are REALLY trying to say. The truth is, they feel it too! They want more connection with you too!
Maybe you’ve tried to share your longing for a deeper love and didn't find the words that your partner could hear. Maybe you haven't even tried because you don’t want to hurt their feelings and, frankly, you are not even sure how to hell to explain what you feel.
Marriage Counseling Raleigh NC with Irina
I can help. I guide couples from feeling like roommates to feeling like lovemates. I take a directive, no bullshit approach on how to feel truly connected and secure about each other, in a way you might not have experienced your relationship before.
I help partners who are great at the "logistics" of their marriage or relationship to rediscover themselves and their passion for each other and to tap into the "lovelistics". Let's be honest here-what else matters in life more than feeling alive and truly connected to your most important person?
If you want to build a strong, passionate, connected relationship with your partner where you know that you matter to each other despite your differences, schedule your FREE 15 min phone consultation with me here.
My specialties include marriage counseling Raleigh NC, marriage counseling intensives, online therapy North Carolina, and individual counseling.
Fees: $345 (50 min)